Методическая копилка

Тема : Great Britain
Цели : - обобщить, систематизировать и проверить знания учащихся о Великобритании;
- развивать навыки говорения и восприятия речи на слух;
- создавать оптимальные условия для воспитания познавательного интереса к стране изучаемого языка
План урока
1.     Орг. момент
2.     Определение темы, целей урока
3.     Речевая зарядка
4.     Актуализация знаний (индивидуальные задания на интерактивной доске)
5.     Говорение. Представление проектов
6.     Физкультминтка.  Песня-игра «London Bridge is falling down»
7.     Просмотр видеофильма «Window on Britain» (1часть ) и выполнение заданий
8.     Проверка знаний. Тест
9.     Домашнее задание
10.                        Итоги урока
Ход урока
1.     Орг. момент
Good morning! How are you? Our lesson is unusual. Today we have some guests. Look at them, smile and greet.
2.     Определение темы, целей урока.
Look at the board. You can see some beautiful pictures connected with… What country? (Great Britain)
Today we have the last lesson on the topic “GB”. You’ve already known a lot about this country and its people. So what is the aim of our lesson?
(To brush-up and summarize the information about GB and to check the knowlege)
I hope you’ll be very active today, you’ll work with a great interest. And you should put down the results of your work on these cards, on the targets.
3.     Речевая зарядка.
Look at the board.  I wrote my associations with the word “Britain” but you can’t see them. You should remember adjectives beginning with these letters and try to guess. You’ll get a star if you guess the word.
B – beautiful
R – royal
I – interesting
T – touching
A – attractive
I – independent
N – noble
(Britain is … because…)
4.     Актуализация знаний. Выполнение индивидуальных заданий на интерактивной доске.
Everybody has got a star. You can see the number and the task on it. Pupils who has got the stars 1,2,3 should go to the board and do the task.
1 – parts
2 – capitals
3 – symbols
4 – flags
5 – sights
6 – famous people
7 – famous British writers
(pupils put down your result on the targets)
5.     Говорение. Презентация проектов
Now I’d like you to show and present your projects about different parts of GB. You  should be very attentive and fill in the table.
Would like to visit

England (+London)
Queen Elizabeth II (model)
Song-game “London Bridge”
Scotland (+ poem)
(Задание на интерактивной доске. Группировка: Wales or Scotland? )
(Checking tables)

6.     Аудирование. Просмотр видеофильма.
Now we are going to watch a video “Window on Britain” (the 1st part). It can help you to remember some other important facts about GB, for example some statistics. And of course you have a good possibility to enjoy beautiful views of GB. 
Prelistening task:  You know that GB is separated from the continent by the English Channel. Listen to the text and answer: Can people go from London to Paris by train?  How?
(through the  Channel tunnel)
(учащиеся получают листы с заданиями)
1.     Complete the sentences or answer the questions.
1)    The population of the UK is …
2)    About … people live in London.
3)    The British Prime Minister lives at …
4)    Liverpool is the birthplace of a famous musical group …
5)    Many people in Oxford don’t use  cars, they use …
6)    GB is situated on the British Isles. There are over …. islands.

1)    What is the population of the UK?
2)    How many people live in London?
3)    Where does the Prime Minister live?
4)    Liverpool is the birthplace of the Beatles, isn’t it?
5)    What kind of transport do many people in Oxford prefer?
6)    How many islands are there in GB?
2.     True or false ( make notes , then : Clap your hands/ step your feet)
1)    The official name of GB is the United Kingdom of GB and NI (T)
2)    The head of State is the president.(F)
3)    Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the Prime Minister   (F)
4)    Oxford and Cambridge are famous for their old universities.(T )
5)    Stratford- Upon –Avon is the birthplace of  William Shakespeare.(T)
6)    About 2 million tourists come to Britain every year.(F)
7)    Waterloo Station is in Edinburgh. (F)
8)    The British can’t go to Paris by train (F)
(На слайде записаны предложения с ошибками.  Найти ошибку, подчеркнуть её и исправить устно)
What are your results? Put down the result on your targets

7.     Test/ Quiz
Now it’s time to check your knowledge. Do the quiz
1. The Union Jack is...
a) the flag of the UK                     c) the flag of Wales
b) the flag of Scotland                  d) the flag of England
2. The British Prime Minister lives at...
a) 12, Whitehall                            c) 7, Russel Street
b) 10, Downing Street                   d) 15, Oxford Street
3. Great Britain is separated from the continent by …
a) the Pacific Ocean                       c) the British Channal
b) the Irish Sea                              d) the English Channel
4. Britain's population is more than...... million people.
a) 58                                               c)580      
b) 5,8                                             d)7
5. The head of State in Britain is.....
a) the Prime Minister                       c) the Queen
b) the President                                d) the Speaker
6.  The United Kingdom consist of … parts?
a) four   b) three   c) two  d) five
7. Who is the author of the poem “My heart’s in the Highlands”?
a) W. Shakespeare   b) W. Scott   c) D. Defoe  d) R. Burns
8.  What is the capital of Wales?
a) Edinburgh     b) Cardiff    c) Liverpool  d) Belfast
9. The birthplace of W. Shakespeare is …
a) London  b) Stratford-upon-Avon  c) Dover  d) Glasgow
10. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth II?
a) the Tower of London   b) Windsor Castle   c) Buckingham Palace  d) Holyrood Palace
Now give your test to your partner, change over and check
8.     Рефлексия. Синквейн
Let’s make a Japanese poem cinquain
beautiful, royal
attract, visit, strike (reign , touch, excite)
We’d like to visit Britain

Thank you, now stand up.
Our lesson is over, I would like you to express your attitude to the lesson and give your self-assessment.

Now think over your work in groups, discuss and make a “pie”.
Now give me your cards

 look at your cards and your marks
-----, your work was good, but  you should pay attention to -----
----, learn the words better
----, don`t be shy and be more active

Thank you very much for the lesson, for your work and answers
Our lesson is over. Good-bye

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